October 2, 2019

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We’re happy to announce the launch of our center, CENTIENTS, the Center for Intelligent Environments. CENTIENTS facilitates a broad, far-reaching conversation and research about how to design, introduce, and oversee user-centered solutions in ways that make built environments not only more supportive of personal and organizational goals but also safer, healthier, more humane, and capable of producing joy and well-being in the humans that use them.

CENTIENTS is leading in the field of Human-Building Interaction (HBI). Click on the link above to watch the video in which experts from multiple disciplines define the emerging field of Human-Building Interaction (HBI).


Our Research

CENTIENTS' research efforts will focus on:

  • How to design, build, maintain intelligent built environments;

  • How to build, maintain and increase trust between intelligent built environments and their human users;

  • How intelligent environments augment user performance and shape the future of work;

  • How to design novel interactions in buildings and how they will change human and building behavior.

Our Vision

CENTIENTS aims to contribute to the fundamental understanding of how intelligent environments will shape the future of work, within and across diverse disciplines, including behavioral science, cognitive science, building science, and engineering, creating an unprecedented built environment that transforms the way we live and work. CENTIENTS has a strong commitment to education and outreach through offering new classroom and online courses, scholar exchange programs, workshops, hackathons, and seminar series.

Co-founders of CENTIENTS:
Dr. Burçin Becerik-Gerber & Dr. Gale Lucas

"CENTIENTS supports groundbreaking research and brings together scholars, innovators and leaders to tackle some of the most challenging questions brought about by the fast pace of technology implementation, including security and privacy challenges, how intelligent environments should support the future of work and how to build trust in automation. We need to design our future environments to support our goals, rather than dealing with unintended consequences of technology after the fact.”

-Burçin Becerik-Gerber

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